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carafem Featured on Georgia’s NPR Station

ICYMI: Our Vice President, Melissa Grant, joined NPR Georgia live on air yesterday morning. Host Bradley George asked why carafem chose to expand in the South — and how we came to have such an unapologetic voice about abortion. Here’s a great quote from the segment:

“I think there have been risks associated with providing this care for decades. And that hasn’t changed simply because we talk about. We’re hoping that actually the opposite will happen. By speaking out loud about the service we provide, and normalizing it — speaking about it in the same way hospitals and medical offices have talked about their services for years — we’ll actually normalize the service we offer and in that way, combat the stigma.

You can find the full story here.

As we have served clients at our Atlanta location over the past year, we’ve found that many folks drive great distances to see us. In fact, nearly one in five of our clients travels more than 100 miles for our services.

While we wish everyone had close access to safe abortion care, we understand many people have to travel. We’re pleased to accommodate these clients with a model of care that, for a few reasons, makes it easier for them to return to normal life:

Though some may find carafem’s straightforward, no-nonsense tone surprising, Melissa noted during the interview that one of our greatest challenges is helping women find us in a sea of misinformation. As crisis pregnancy centers use Google ads and other tactics to convince women they’ll help them with an abortion (which they won’t!), we strive to be very clear about exactly what we do. We want people to know that if they choose to have an abortion, we are here to help them.

When we launched our first location in Washington, DC, we created a short video to help cut through the noise and be upfront about our services. Check it out below if you haven’t yet!