
8 Things Abortion is More Popular Than: Fall Edition

Abortion is incredibly common and widely supported in the United States—according to a Gallup poll, 85% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in certain or any circumstances. Earlier this year, the carafem team put together a list of things that abortion has a higher approval rating than. From the U.S. government, to Dolly Parton, to Pineapple on Pizza, the list goes on! Abortion is more popular than so many things that we decided to make a follow-up blog to show that abortion is common, safe, and probably more popular than your favorite fall thing!

If you know carafem, you know we love all things abortion related. It’s what we do. But we’re not alone — abortion rights are more popular than you might think! Not only will 1 in 4 people who can get pregnant have an abortion in their lifetime, but across the country, the vast majority of people believe abortion care should be legal and accessible.

How popular is abortion?

According to a Gallup poll, 85% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in certain or any circumstances. When Roe V. Wade was overturned last year, protests erupted in an overwhelming public outcry of support for safe, legal, and accessible abortion, alongside resounding approval at the voting booth for legal abortion.

carafem is a provider of high quality, compassionate abortion care, both in person and through telehealth, so we’re a little biased when it comes to knowing how amazing access to abortion is. We’ve provided abortion care to tens of thousands of people, and know that each and every person was making the best decision they could for themselves and their families, and we will support that decision every time. People have been making thoughtful decisions about abortion care for centuries, and will continue to do so for centuries to come.

Here Are 8 things Abortion is More Popular Than

With such a high percentage of people believing abortion care should be legal and accessible, we wanted to put into perspective just how popular the right to abortion really is by compiling a list of what abortion has a higher approval rating than!

#1: Pumpkin Spice Lattes – 54%

It’s that time of year again when the first few hints of fall are welcomed with the world-famous Pumpkin Spice Latte, affectionately nicknamed the PSL. While it’s sometimes a controversial coffee choice, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are in full demand right now. This festive and seasonal drink is enjoyed by millions of people every year, but it’s still not more popular than abortion!

#2: The Office – 81%

With such memorable characters and quotable lines, The Office is one of the most highly-watched television series, and yet abortion has a slightly higher approval rating than The Office’s Rotten Tomatoes score. However, we know all the characters would support you through an abortion in their own unique way. Pam would be by your side during an At Home Abortion, Michael would drive you to a clinic for an in-office abortion, and we bet even Angela would offer some faith-based resources to support you throughout your abortion.

#3: McDonald’s – 58%

In addition to tasty menu items, McDonald’s has been popularized for its convenient food options and many locations that are open 24/7. Like McDonald’s, carafem has an Online Abortion Care option called Immediate Evaluation that is available day and night — only with a higher approval rating. While carafem doesn’t offer happy meals, we do provide special care items to all our clients, whether they receive abortion care in-person at one of our health centers, or through Online Abortion Care.

#4: Every Presidential Candidate for 2024

No surprises here — presidential elections are incredibly divisive in the United States. However, abortion is popular and supported across party lines, with a higher approval rating than any prospective presidential candidate. Currently, no presidential candidate has a polling rating above 46%, significantly lower than abortion’s 85%. Regardless of political affiliation, the majority of Americans support reproductive and abortion care, which is more than we can say for our future president (yikes).

#5: Apple pie – 79%

Have you ever heard of the saying “as American as Apple pie?” It turns out that in America, abortion is more popular than apple pie by about 6%! This fall season, whether you want apple, pumpkin, or pecan pie, carafem will always support your choice in pie and in pregnancy.

#6: Football – 66%

Whether you’re tuning into the Superbowl to watch the halftime show, the commercials, or even the game itself, football has a lower approval rating than abortion. Abortion has existed far longer than football and is far more popular! carafem will always have your back and will always be on your team.

#7: Netflix– 73%

Netflix might be one of the most popular streaming platforms, but it still isn’t anywhere near as popular as abortion. carafem has published reflections on abortion in pop-culture and media, when TV shows and Movies got real about people making the best reproductive decisions for their lives and their families. From Dirty Dancing to Jane The Virgin, these examples of abortion can be viewed on Netflix or other streaming platforms.

#8: Beyoncé AND Taylor Swift – 52% and 56%

Two music icons who just wrapped up their historic tours, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are some of the most popular artists of their generation. While abortion has a higher approval rating than both Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, we know they would both support anyone in their life who was seeking abortion care. Beyoncé has spoken out about her reproductive history and the impact of having miscarriages, while Taylor Swift publicly condemned the Supreme Court overturning federal abortion protections. We’re glad to have these amazing women alongside the fight to protect reproductive rights, and their songs will absolutely be on all of our pro-abortion playlists!

Abortion is and always will be a fundamental human right.

The bottom line is that abortion is both wildly common and has an incredibly high rate of public support. Even if approval ratings for legal abortion weren’t as overwhelmingly high as they are, carafem would still fight to provide the best possible abortion care to all who want and need it. Abortion is and always will be a fundamental human right, and carafem will always be proud to be among the 85% of people who support access to legal and safe abortion, and we’re honored to be a provider of compassionate, respectful, quality abortion care.

Need abortion care now? Schedule an appointment online or in a carafem health center now. We often have same-day or next-day appointments available.